Creating crawlers

For each comic Comics is aggregating, we need to create a crawler. At the time of writing, more than 200 crawlers are available in the comics/comics/ directory. They serve as a great source for learning how to write new crawlers for Comics.

A crawler example

The crawlers are split in two separate pieces. The ComicData part contains meta data about the comic used for display at the web site. The Crawler part contains properties needed for crawling and the crawler implementation itself.

from comics.aggregator.crawler import CrawlerBase, CrawlerImage
from comics.core.comic_data import ComicDataBase

class ComicData(ComicDataBase):
    name = 'xkcd'
    language = 'en'
    url = ''
    start_date = '2005-05-29'
    rights = 'Randall Munroe, CC BY-NC 2.5'

class Crawler(CrawlerBase):
    history_capable_days = 10
    schedule = 'Mo,We,Fr'
    time_zone = 'US/Eastern'

    def crawl(self, pub_date):
        feed = self.parse_feed('')
        for entry in feed.for_date(pub_date):
            url = entry.summary.src('img[src*="/comics/"]')
            title = entry.title
            text = entry.summary.alt('img[src*="/comics/"]')
            return CrawlerImage(url, title, text)

The ComicData class fields

class ComicData

Required. A string with the name of the comic.


Required. A string with the URL of the comic’s web page.


Optional. Wheter or not this comic is still being crawled. Defaults to True.


Optional. The first date the comic was published at.


Optional. The last date the comic was published at if it is discontinued.


Optional. Name of the author and the comic’s license if available.

The Crawler class fields

class Crawler

Optional. Date of oldest release available for crawling.

Provide this or Crawler.history_capable_days. If both are present, this one will have precedence.

Example: '2008-03-08'.


Optional. Number of days a release is available for crawling.

Provide this or Crawler.history_capable_date.

Example: 32.


Optional. On what weekdays the comic is published.

Example: 'Mo,We,Fr' or 'Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr,Sa,Su'.


Optional. In approximately what time zone the comic is published.

Example: Europe/Oslo or US/Eastern.

See the IANA timezone database for a list of possible values.


Optional. Default: False. Whether to allow multiple releases per day.

Example: True or False.


Optional. Default: False. Whether the comic reruns old images as new releases.

Example: True` or False`.


Optional. Default: None. Any HTTP headers to send with any URI request for values.

Useful if you’re pulling comics from a site that checks either the Referer or User-Agent. If you can view the comic using your browser but not when using your loader for identical URLs, try setting the Referer to be or set the User-Agent to be Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0).

Example: {'Referer': '', 'Host': ''}

The Crawler.crawl() method

The Crawler.crawl() is where the real work is going on. To start with an example, let’s look at XKCD’s Crawler.crawl() method:

def crawl(self, pub_date):
    feed = self.parse_feed('')
    for entry in feed.for_date(pub_date):
        url = entry.summary.src('img[src*="/comics/"]')
        title = entry.title
        text = entry.summary.alt('img[src*="/comics/"]')
        return CrawlerImage(url, title, text)

Arguments and return values

The Crawler.crawl() method takes a single argument, pub_date, which is a object for the date the crawler is currently crawling. The goal of the method is to return a CrawlerImage object containing at least the URL of the image for pub_date and optionally a title and text accompanying the image. CrawlerImage’s signature is:

CrawlerImage(url, title=None, text=None)

This means that you must always supply an URL, and that you can supply a text without a title. The following are all valid ways to create a CrawlerImage:

CrawlerImage(url, title)
CrawlerImage(url, title, text)
CrawlerImage(url, text=text)

For some crawlers, this is all you need. If the image URL is predictable and based upon the pub_date in some way, just create the URL with the help of Python’s strftime documentation, and return it wrapped in a CrawlerImage:

def crawl(self, pub_date):
    url = '' % (
    return CrawlerImage(url)

Though, for most crawlers, some interaction with RSS or Atom feeds or web pages are needed. For this a web parser and a feed parser are provided.

Returning multiple images for a single comic release

Some comics got releases with multiple images, and thus returning a single CrawlerImage will not be enough for you. For situations like these, Comics lets you return a list of CrawlerImage objects from Crawler.crawl(). The list should be ordered in the same way as the comic is meant to be read, with the first frame as the first element in the list. If the comic release got a title, add it to the first CrawlerImage object, and let the title field stay empty on the rest of the list elements. The same applies for the text field, unless each image actually got a different title or text string.

The following is an example of a Crawler.crawl() method which returns multiple images. It adds a title to the first list element, and different text to all of the elements.

def crawl(self, pub_date):
    feed = self.parse_feed('')
    for entry in feed.for_date(pub_date):
        result = []
        for i in range(1, 10):
            url = entry.content0.src('img[src$="000%d.jpg"]' % i)
            text = entry.content0.title('img[src$="000%d.jpg"]' % i)
            if url and text:
                result.append(CrawlerImage(url, text=text))
        if result:
            result[0].title = entry.title
        return result

LxmlParser – Parsing web pages and HTML

The web parser, internally known as LxmlParser, uses CSS selectors to extract content from HTML. For a primer on CSS selectors, see Matching HTML elements using CSS selectors.

The web parser is accessed through the Crawler.parse_page() method:

def crawl(self, pub_date):
    page_url = '' % (
    page = self.parse_page(page_url)
    url = page.src('img[alt^="Strip for"]')
    return CrawlerImage(url)

This is a common pattern for crawlers. Another common patterns is to use a feed to find the web page URL for the given date, then parse that web page to find the image URL.

LxmlParser API

The available methods only require a CSS selector, selector, to match tags. In the event that the selector doesn’t match any elements, default will be returned.

If the selector matches multiple elements, one of two things will happen:

  • If allow_multiple is False, a MultipleElementsReturned exception is raised.

  • If allow_multiple is True, a list of zero or more elements is returned with all of the elements matching selector.

class comics.aggregator.lxmlparser.LxmlParser
text(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the text contained by the element matching selector.

src(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the src attribute of the element matching selector.

The web parser automatically expands relative URLs in the source, like /comics/2008-04-13.png to a full URL like, so you do not need to think about that.

alt(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the alt attribute of the element matching selector.

title(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the title attribute of the element matching selector.

href(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the href attribute of the element matching selector.

value(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the value attribute of the element matching selector.

id(selector[, default=None, allow_multiple=False])

Returns the id attribute of the element matching selector.


Remove the elements matching selector from the parsed document.

Matching HTML elements using CSS selectors

Both web page and feed parsing uses CSS selectors to extract the interesting strings from HTML. CSS selectors are those normally simple strings you use in CSS style sheets to select what elements of your web page the CSS declarations should be applied to.

In the following example h1 a is the selector. It matches all a elements contained in h1 elements. The rule to be applied to the matching elements is color: red;.

h1 a { color: red; }

Similarly class="foo" and id="bar" in HTML may be used in CSS selectors. The following CSS example would color all h1 headers with the class foo red, and all elements with the ID bar which is contained in h1 elements would be colored blue. { color: red; }
h1 #bar { color: blue; }

In CSS3, the power of CSS selectors have been greatly increased by the addition of matching by the content of elements’ attributes. To match all img elements with a src attribute starting with simply write:


Or, to match all img elements whose src attribute ends in .jpg:


Or, img elements whose src attribute contains /comics/:


Or, img elements whose alt attribute is Today's comic:

img[alt="Today's comic"]

For further details on CSS selectors in general, please refer to

FeedParser – Parsing feeds

The feed parser is initialized with a feed URL passed to Crawler.parse_feed(), just like the web parser is initialized with a web page URL:

def crawl(pub_date):
    feed = self.parse_feed('')

FeedParser API

The feed object provides two methods which both returns feed elements: FeedParser.for_date() and FeedParser.all(). Typically, a crawler uses FeedParser.for_date() and loops over all entries it returns to find the image URL:

for entry in feed.for_date(pub_date):
    # parsing comes here
    return CrawlerImage(url)
class comics.aggregator.feedparser.FeedParser

Returns all feed elements published at date.


Returns all feed elements.

Feed Entry API

The Comics feed parser is really a combination of the popular feedparser library and LxmlParser. It can do anything feedparser can do, and in addition you can use the LxmlParser methods on feed fields which contains HTML, like Entry.summary and Entry.content0.

class comics.aggregator.feedparser.Entry

This is the most frequently used entry field which supports HTML parsing with the LxmlParser methods.

Example usage:

url = entry.summary.src('img')
title = entry.summary.alt('img')

This is the same as feedparser’s content[0].value field, but with LxmlParser methods available. For some crawlers, this is where the interesting stuff is found.


Wrap string in a LxmlParser.

If you need to parse HTML in any other fields than summary and content0, you can apply the html(string) method on the field, like it is applied on a feed entry’s title field here:

title = entry.html(entry.title).text('h1')

List of tags associated with the entry.

Testing your new crawler

When the first version of you crawler is complete, it’s time to test it.

The file name is important, as it is used as the comic’s slug. This means that it must be unique within the Comics installation, and that it is used in the URLs Comics will serve the comic at. For this example, we call the crawler file The file must be placed in the comics/comics/ directory, and will be available in Python as

Loading ComicData for your new comic

For Comics to know about your new crawler, you need to load the comic meta data into Comics’ database. To do so, we run the comics_addcomics command:

python comics_addcomics -c foo

If you do any changes to the ComicData class of any crawler, you must rerun comics_addcomics to update the database representation of the comic.

Running the crawler

When comics_addcomics has created a comics.core.models.Comic instance for the new crawler, you may use your new crawler to fetch the comic’s release for the current date by running:

python comics_getreleases -c foo

If you want to get comics releases for more than the current day, you may specify a date range to crawl, like:

python comics_getreleases -c foo -f 2009-01-01 -t 2009-03-31

The date range will automatically be adjusted to the crawlers history capability. You may also get comics for a date range without a specific end. In which case, the current date will be used instead:

python comics_getreleases -c foo -f 2009-01-01

If your new crawler is not working properly, you may add -v2 to the command to turn on full debug output:

python comics_getreleases -c foo -v2

For a full overview of comics_getreleases options, run:

python comics_getreleases --help

Submitting your new crawler for inclusion in Comics

When your crawler is working properly, you may submit it for inclusion in Comics. You should fork Comics at GitHub, commit your new crawler to your own fork, and send me a pull request through GitHub.

All contributions must be granted under the same license as Comics itself.